
Our Mission

At the Quantum Computing Club, we’re all about unlocking the power of quantum software and building a vibrant quantum community at UCI! Whether you're a total beginner or already dreaming in qubits, we’re here to help you design, experiment, and innovate with real quantum algorithms. But we don’t stop there! We love crossing boundaries—from machine learning to optimization and beyond—exploring how quantum computing can revolutionize different fields. With hands-on projects, collabs, and a passion for the future, we’re shaping the next wave of quantum pioneers. Join us as we push the limits of what’s possible in quantum tech — one qubit at a time!

What We Do

Weekly Discussions
Weekly Discussions
Join us every week for insightful discussions on the latest in quantum computing.
Research Projects
Research Projects
Participate in cutting-edge research projects and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.
Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Attend talks by renowned experts in the field of quantum computing and expand your knowledge.

Hackathons and Conferences

Qiskit Fall Fest 2023
IBM Qiskit Fall Fest

Quantum Coalition
Quantum Coalition

News & Highlights

June 28, 2024
QC@UCI is officially an ICS-affiliated Organization.
April 15, 2024
Join us for an exciting guest lecture on quantum complexity theory by Professor Sandy Irani from UCI.